Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Back to uni and back into the boring old routine.

I'm half way through my second semester of my second year and I can't think of anything more boring than being at uni.

To be honest, I'm not really a regular student. I don't spend all my loan on alcohol, I don't get blindo drunk when I do go for a night out and most of all, I don't actually live where I'm going to uni.

I'm one of those mad fools who commutes to and from with a massive bag of crap on my back! However, commuting can create some amazing excuses why I don't go in. A simple, "my train got cancelled" covers for me plenty of time - good old National Rail and it's inconsistency!
Overcast view from my train

As I write this, I'm sitting on the train. The 40 minute journey I take to and from uni twice a week is a bore! It may have some occasionally pretty views but apart from that it reminds me that I'm about to spend about 6 hours sitting in lectures (yes, I'm writing this at midday and my lectures don't start til 2.15, you do the maths!) 

Stupidly heavy bag that contains my life!
But, on the bright side, I only have another 23 trips to go until I finish for summer! That legendary season free of uni work and full of sun.

Bugger...that reminds me, I have to do my dissertation proposal!

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